Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm 14 and i want to run away from home..?

DON'T KILL YOURSELF, don't be just another breaking news story about a helpless teen. Have you ever tried the police? i mean not to get your folks into trouble but ask about situations in where you can legally leave your environment and live with your Grandma. If you look there are many different places you can go that can help you get stronger. I'm not saying your strong because you've made it through without killing yourself which is the easy way out. The Salvation Army, there are administrations in place that protect the rights and freedoms of underage. Don't procrastinate and think to yourself that it's not necessary or that you'll get around to it eventually, go to your school counselor and tell her that you DO NOT want to set up a parent conference if you think that would create problems. Tell her your concerns and what you want to do, not the suicidal part because then she would probably focus on that and not the real problem, I believe YOU have made it this far for a reason, YOU haven't killed yourself because YOU know it's not what YOU want. The sooner you fix this the faster the process of getting your life the way it should be. Hold on TIGHT and DON"T LET GO!

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