Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why does my nicotine patch make my arm red?

I remember when I used the patch - my arm ached like crazy and I had the most vivid dreams! It's weird that the second time around you're having a bad reaction - is it the same manufacturer as the first time? Maybe you'll need to try a patch made by a different company. Let me tell you something, though...I smoked heavily for 26 years. I LOVE to smoke cigarettes and didn't think it was possible that I could quit. Over the years, I had tried cold turkey, gum, patches, hypnosis, accupuncture, Zyban. I went to this stop smoking clinic. For $500 they injected this stuff behind my ears and told me I was now a non-smoker. I was - for 18 hours. It was ridiculous. Anyway, I tried and tried to stop and was never successful. It wasn't until I tried Chantix that I was able to do it. Chantix works - and I swear I have no interest in promoting it. You start taking it and smoke all you want. Then on the 9th day, after you smoke, you feel like vomiting. And that feeling stays with you. You just plain want to stop smoking because it makes you sick. Very effective method! I stopped last June - almost a year - and I've saved a boatload of money (I was spending almost $10/day on cigarettes) and my skin looks soooooo much better. Definitely think about it if things don't work out with the patch. Good luck!

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