Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Martials arts , isn't it time to bring intelligence back too this section?

so....your question is rhetorical? any public forum is going to be this way . we all have our strength's and weaknesses. sometimes a person with a idiotic question can have a amazingly insightful answer. sometimes, it's just dumb.

Why do Mormons call you a bigot if you attack their beliefs?

Only when it's done thru misrepresentation of facts or complete disinformation and from a perspective filled with intolerance and hate

Put the mockers on media and the like who are smearing Richie!?

I notice that you haven't complained about the smear tactics used against Al Baxter. Is there a reason for that? Just curious.

Im going to my boyfriends Rosh Hashanah dinner and I have no idea what to expect! ?

I dont want to look or feel akward and out of place. I know that the candle, wine, bread blessings are said, but would I have to say anything? Do people say "Amen"? If so, when? What do I wear to a holiday dinner like this? Where does the cup with wine go if you are the last person to drink from it? Ah! Sorry, just so many questions! Im so nervous.

How to edge between two different types of gr?

Cool concept! Plastic bender board will be your best option for blending. But a thin concrete mow strip would also work and you could do a cool free-form pattern with it to separate the gres.

Can someone please help me??!! 10 points for best answer?

for school i have to come up with some rap lyrics abut the cardiovascular system and i did not come up with any good ones because i am not creative so if you could please help me by directing me to some good lyrics or typing in some that would be great. thanks : )

What are some examples of Fair is Foul; Foul is Fair in Macbeth?

The quote means that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Things are not what they first seem. Situations that can appear to be good are actually, evil, and vice versa.

The Qu'ran teachs the Injeel is the true word of God. Do Muslims know what the good news is?

No Muslims believe that it is corrupt and not the Injeel that the Qu'ran calls holy. They can't agree on when it was corrupted or how it is corrupt except that it is not in agreement with the Qu'ran therefore must be corrupt even though the Qu'ran calls it holy. Seems anything that disagrees with the Qu'ran can't be holy therefore they have chosen the teachings of Muhammad over the true word of God.

IF, Cutler is not in Denver next year do you think he will go to the Lions?

If it weren't for KC stepping in Cutler would have been traded to the Lions Cel would have gone to Denver. Cutler to Calvin Johnson is just as good as Cutler to B.Marshall if not better. The Lions just added B.Johnson and I know they don't have a O-Line, but at least they wont go winless with Culter. I also think NYJ would be a good fit now that Farve is retired. Where else can you picture Cutler going to if he were to be traded?

Physics help please??!?

A batter hits a pop-up straight up over home plate at an initial velocity of 18 m/s. The ball is caught by the catcher at the same height that it was hit. At what velocity does the ball land in the catcher's mitt? Neglect air resistance. (Take the positive direction to be upwards.)

Problem involving an atheist guyand an evangelical Christian girl?

I was in the same situation, you basically have to come to a point where you agree to disagree. Realize you think differently about the world and respect each others viewpoints. Trying to convert the person you care about is only going to cause problems. Find other things to talk about and reach a middle ground.

So im really depressed right now, and i need advice on how you motivate yourself to lose weight?

So im 15, and 5'2" Last year I weighed 119-126, and now im almost 145 and i just keep on gaining and gaining and its really getting out of hand. I don't understand, bc last year i stopped drinking soda, and i stopped eating french fries, so when i try to be more healthy it just backfires, Its just really depressing for me, bc i cant wear tshirts bc i feel self concious, so i usually just wear hoodies all the time, but now that summers coming i know im not gonna be able to do that. And last year guys liked me and now nobody likes me, i just feel awful about myself bc im so ugly and disgusting. I know this should be enough to make me wnat to lose weight, and i want to really bad, but its so hard, how do you do it! It's just so effing hard for me, and i seriously feel awful about every aspect of me. I realy want to lose weight this summer, really really bad, can you help me, please!

I'm 12 and I would really like to learn how to snowboard?

I'm 12 and I love Shaun White! I would really like to learn how to snowboard. My mom has a friend that lives in Colorado and she teaches lessons. She said that I could visit for easter break and I want to, but I don't want to waste my break when I could be doing something else, so I guess what I'm asking is: is it super duper challenging? Am I going to make a fool of myself? Will I waste my vacation? Stuff like that? Do you get what I'm asking? K, thanks!

Why on earth is the Walmart employment application so in-depth?

They get paid above min wage in your area? They start out at min here. I can't believe they didn't hire you. They hire everyone. Don't get me started on Home Depot and Lowe's. I have extensive experience as a handy man doing everything from A/C's to plumbing and everything in between but couldn't get hired. Instead they have some teenage kid that doesn't know crap trying to help people.

I want to convert from a rented 500gallon propane tank to my OWN 100g tank. what do I need?

The propane company I have been using for 18 years, has become HORRIBLE. and I cannot stress "HORRIBLE" enough. I currently have a rented 500g tank that is hooked to my home (for the water heater, kitchen stove, and propane gas stove for heating part of my home). I want to fire my propane company and use the 100g propane tank that I have. What do I need to hook the smalled tank up? I know I'll need a regulator, but what else? Thank you

Is Obama dropping "no drama" style with U.S. general? Comments?

Deliberate insubordination on the part of McChrystal. He deserves whatever Obama chooses to give him. ∠°)

If your pets died in UK, how do you dispose of it?

if you do no have a garden to bury a pet in, the correct way of disposing of the body is to either go to a vets and they will either dispose of the body or offer a cremation service, or you call the local council and they come and get the body and dispose of it but you do get charged for it, dogs and cats can not be put out with normal house hold rubbish and need to be disposed of in the correct manor, but what is cled as small animals can be put in the normal rubbish if wrapped up and double bagged, pet cemeteries charge on the size of an animal yes they can be a bit of money but rather that than a much loved pet ending up on the rubbish dump.



Looking for a felt penguin Christmas ornament pattern?

Have searched the craft pages high and low. Am looking for a pattern to make felt penguin Christmas ornaments. Not the kid type type. Any ideas? Thanks!

How to stop being weird!?

Im popular. Very. And i want to stop bing wierd because guys dont like me for it. Well, they do like me, its easy to tell, but there embaressed to come forward about it because of my wierdness. I laugh all the time for no reaso and my laugh is weird. It ntarted last year, i wanted to be noticd and have atention so id dess insne. That stopped thank god. But just not the behavior! I'll still say stupid things and commns of random stupid stuff so il get noticed iwant o stop nd when a sng comes on te noucments, i dance stupid to get attentin. how do i end ths habbit,it a habbit trustme. Plese dont tell me to embracemyself ijustwant answers, thx!

Whos is the beter QB?

Purely a matter of opinion but I give the nod to Manning. His team is much more dependant on his presence than the pat's are for Brady. Manning calls his own plays, I don't think Brady would get another snap if he ever ignored Belicek's play and ran his own idea.

What I know about death...what do you fear about deatH?

Whoa....lots to think about. Regardless of ones religion, or beliefs about where we go/what happens when we die no one really knows what truly happens. Anyone can believe in something or think they know what happens after death however does one really know that there is a heaven, hell, limbo, etc.?? Overall I think the fear and anxiety over death is the unknown, the uncertainty of what happens after we are gone from this existence and on to the next....if there is one.

Building a pc... are these parts compatible?

As the other two have mentioned, you'll need a bigger PSU but I would go higher than 400W personally just in case you would like to upgrade in the future. Other than that looks like a decently good computer!

Why did the U.S. help Saddam gas the Kurds?

The Ronald Reagan/George Bush 1 regimes supplied Saddam Hussein with the weapons that he used against the Kurdish population. They knew full well what was going on and continued to support the monster. Why is that?

Wouldn't it be awesome if Julian ange is extradicted to the US and given the death penalty?

The death penalty might be a little extreme but a sbag who endangered the lives of our brave Soldiers deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison.

One for Dermatologists / Skin Experts...?

I have oily congested skin, with big pores basically riddled with blackheads. I know no off the shelf is product is going to get anywhere near the result I am after - do you know of any surgical/non surgical facial rejuvenation treatments which might be suitable?

Mike Wallace for Darren McFadden? ?

My friend just offered me a trade where I give up mike Wallace and get McFadden, should I do it? My other starting wide receivers r Fitzgerald and roddy white, my other RBs r Adrian Peterson and frank gore, so if I accept the trade McFadden will go into the flex position and if I deny then mike Wallace will stay in the flex position, should I accept??

Should I accept this trade, Witten for Slayton?

Accept. Heath Miller is not going to give you many points this year. Romo is finding Witten in the end zone, and you have good backups in DeAngelo Williams and Felix Jones.

How high do edibles get you?

i just picked up a fruity pebble rice crispie treat from a clinic in LA and was wondering how high it makes you. and is it more of a head high or body high?

Does this drive you crazy...?

When people say the most jerky,vile,a#$hole things. Then add the phrase lol or just kidding,and think everything's going to be okay just cause they said just kidding or lol. Because it pisses the HELL out me! Pardon my language, it just irks me SOOO badly.So yeah,please give me your thoughts and feedback. Also,thank you for reading or commenting.

Someone almost drove into me but I hit kerb as a consequence and damaged a wheel... What do I do?!?

It is almost never a good idea to try to settle on your own. Use the insurance ! Her insurance should pay for your repairs. Your insurance should not be affected but even if it were affected, isn't this the very reason you buy insurance ?

Why did Randy Orton change his pose?

I've noticed in this past month he does a different pose. It's obvious because he has such a trademark pose and now he is just putting his hands up with one finger up on each hand. And yes, this saddens me. Lol. He's the reason why I pretty much started watching wrestling again (lol) and I would anticipate for when he struck his pose. Soooo yea, I don't like the change :( #dontjudgeme

Isn't Lady Gaga's Poker Face a really hot song?

At first i was writing her off as a fergie clone, but i think she's better than Fergie Ferg. I cant wait until her album comes out!

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. I cannot be a donor. Who can in my bloodline?

My Grandmother ped from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (aka transmissible spongiform encephalopathies). I cannot be a donor due to the low risk of hereditary transmission. How many generations does this last? Can my children or my grandchildren give blood or be oregon donors?

How do Langston Hughes' poems embrace/define American identity? What different tones do you hear in his poems?

Oh my gosh. I love how he words things. I believe he knew exactly what he was talking about when it came to America and how people acted towards each other in those times. People were treated like animals to work hence "Pack-horse." Or that they weren't good enough to be seen in a good light to the rest of the world. Ah I love Langson Hughes. He's inspired some of my own poems.

What is the half-life in minutes?

What is the half-life in minutes of a radioactive nuclide if 1/ 128 th of the original sample remains after 32.0 min?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do I need for an audio system?

I've need to get an audio system for a church/banquet room (about 1800 SF). I think I need a mixer, speakers, amplifier, cables, cd player, computer. What else do I need? What brands are good enough? How much is to going to cost me? What power for speakers?

scandal in the second grade. Can this country be fixed or is it too late?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I'm in love with my best friend(a girl),but she keeps saying me "bro"?

Don't hide your feelings. I had a guy friend who liked me and told me even though I said thought of him as a brother. Months ped, and admitted that I had actually liked him all along. I just would cover it up with "bro" and stuff. She might be doing the same thing, who knows. You might regret it if you found out she did like you but she's moved on or something. If you tell her and she never talks to you again, then that shows what type of best friend you had. Just tell her dude.(: Good luck! :D

Why do some nationalities drink more then others?

Irish people don't drink half as much as English people. 0.o When I was on holiday a drunk English family had started at 12 in the day until 2 at night. It was crazy. Russians also are supposed to drink a lot and have a lot of alcoholics.


Are the questions really difficult that you are forced to seek answers. Why not try first. You may develop the habit of working

Will a h22a dohc vtec and mounts out of a 94 prelude bolt straight into a 94 cd accord?

Not completely, the driver's side mount it different. But, you can grind down the Prelude mount to fit. If you hold the mount up to the bracket you'll see where & how much to cut off of it (the part where the bolt goes through). Your other option is to buy a mount from Hasport. Also make sure to use the rear mount bracket that goes with the mounts you're using. So if you're using the Prelude mounts, use the Prelude rear mount bracket.

Why does the Old Testament command that all nonbelievers should be KILLED ?

because back then that was the law given to the jews .. the new commandment is to love ur enemies, pray for them, and turn the other cheek ..

Why do I feel sick after I eat? ?

Hi I had trouble like this I am 34 but my daughter did also who is 11 I have been taking manuka honey which is all natural and really helps however I got her papaya enzymes which you can get on line cheap it helps to break down her food with a pro-biotic and she is great now.Do you also have trouble going number two she did and this helped to regulate her she can eat everything the papaya is kind of like a natural Rolaids.Good luck

Does Barack Obama believe in Creationism?

what does believing in creationism have anything to do with nuclear codes???? he's not president yet either.

When magnesium ribbon is burnt in air, a gas is libereted, which is that gas?

MgO itslef is gas. pure Mg ribbon totaly burns out to give smoke, if it has impurity it will leave some residue

I need biology help please answer these questions!?

1. Proteins that are being transported out of the cell get packaged and processed by the golgi. in the golgi the get tagged with a sugar. this lets the cell know its being transported out of the cell and not being used inside the cell.

What shouldve I done in this minor car accident?

They way you describe it you did everything correctly. The fault is entirely with the person who hit you. He should have been paying more attention and may or may not have seen the broken down car. He was probably attempting to overtake you, a dangerous move given the curve you describe.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How many times should I contact an employer to see if I got the job?

I had an interview for a teller position as a bank teller with Citibank on Friday September 24 with the bank manager, istant manager and head teller. I thouhgt it went well and was told I should be told by the following week. The following week on Thursday September 30 I call to check in and I speak to someone I didn't interview who said that the managers liked me and she said she will try to see what she can do (presumably to get a decision). It's not been a few more days and it's Monday of the second week after the interview so I'm not sure if I should call again or visit the branch. I have an excuse because I actually have a check to deposit but I don't want to seem to eager because I want some flexibility getting a better salary.

Need your advice ladies!!?

You are going to have an amazing weekend!!!! I would make him make me dinner for starters. haha. Then the mages are a must. Maybe embarr him as well by making him sing and dance for you. I am in love with Gilmore Girls, so I would make him watch many episodes of them. haha. Just don't be afraid to ask for what ever you want!!! Have fun!

My exbf who went over seas to Kuwait cheated on me,he broke up w/me on email instead of on vacation home from?

war.I just recently took all breakable things he gave to me and shattered them w/my ball peen hammer(it felt great!),my closure so to speak.So now I'm tempted to drop the stuff in a plastic bag in his mailbox at nite,another closure and some anger.I don't want to get into any trouble at all,I just want to send my final goodriddance, Oh,the jerk kept some more racy pics of me and didn't give them back,I don't know if he jerks off to them or what but I'm pissed at that! He's 40,and a momma's boy,never moved out of home. Can I get some advice from someone who's maybe been down this road or anybody,or suggestions???? Signed,Wanting closure desperatly as it took me a whole year to even go through the stuff he sent me to end it.

I doubt anyone can help..?

i want to get a hoodie similar to this one (; i just want one that has the zipper pocket above the kangaroo pocket.. i'd like to know what this type of pocket is called or where i can get a hoodie that has one.

Worst day ever!! Need tons of help!?

Okay so I am in the bathroom crying, first I forgot to put on a bra today bec I was in a rush to leave for school and now all the boys are laughing at me bec my show through my shirt. Then when I went to the bathroom I noticed that my panties had white discharge on them and I went back to cl and at lunch I felt weird and went to the bathroom and found not only the left over discharge in my panties but blood!! What do I do? How do I clean my panties? Girls I need someone to cheer me up. Worst day ever.

Do white people in America feel paranoid when minorities are in their clubs, groups, organizations...etc?

I can't speak for other but I have no problem when someone who is a minority comes into a mostly all white club, group, or organization. Matter of fact it was rather interesting to bring my puerto rican boyfriend to my family reunion and it's even better to bring my half Puerto Rican daughter with us now lol. I actually prefer to be in a mixed group of people less likely to be ignorance in the crowd.

A poem about something I heard somewhere...what do you think to it?

This is very haunting poem of someone trapped by their talents. Their obsessions and addictions control the parents leaving children cold hungry and suffering neglect. I can almost see them as if the painting of two little boys on brown chairs stare forlornly back at me with their sad eyes telling me of neglect and fear. I think it is "angels" not "Angles"

How long can you leave a pot of soup or stew on the stove, and not refrigerate it?

I have an uncle that has a stockpot that he calls his mulligan stew pot. It gets replenished with odds and ends, and the occasional adding of beef or chicken stock. It always smells tasty & never spoiled, is he a good cook or is he a nutcase like my grandmom (his mom) & aunts (his sisters) think he is?

What could a toy mascot look like for a charity helping kids with dieing parets?

It's a school project and we had to think of a charity and make a toy mascot thing for it. What could I do??

I Miss Her, and We Haven't Even Been Out of School for 24 Hours?

There's this girl I like at my school. She's in four of my cles and I see her every day. She's really cute and some guys think of her as the hottest girl in the school. She's currently going out with the baddest kid in the school, but I'm not sure how strong their relationship is. I have been talking to her more and more each day. I think she may know I like her. So, yesterday (Friday), we had a half day. I said goodbye to her and left, but that's beside the point. Last night, I couldn't stop thinking of her, which was normal because I always do. But this was a lot different. I literally had a stomachache and a heartache because of this. My eyes started to water and I took a pillow and held it like I was holding her. I think I might have kissed it once or twice, too. The pain has stopped, but I still have that feeling that I really miss her. Is this normal? What does it mean? What do I do now? How do I get over her? PLEASE HELP ME!

When i push hard on my bike pedal, the pedal makes a half revolution without advancing the bike.?

loose chain. loosen the back wheel, pull the chain tight. not too tight. it should have enough room to move up and down a 1/2 inch or so

What are some good terms and hint for a crossword puzzle on the play romeo and juliet?

I need help with a school project. I'm making a crossword puzzle on the play Romeo and Juliet. But I need some good terms and hints to use. Thanks!

Howard stern on sirius channel 100 help?

i called customer service for Sirius radio and they don't seem to know anything about the scheduling for Howard channel 100. can someone please tell me what time the repeat is? i know the live one is at 6 am et. but i need the time when the live taping will repeat later in the day. i need this info be4 i buy my radio. thanx for the help

How I can find a job in Prague or any were in Czech Republic as a Graphic designer?

I'm from Bosnia I'm a freelance artist mostly working on comics and posters and I was wondering if any knew how I could find a job in Prague or anywhere in the Czech Republic? Note: I do need a Visa but as of December this year Bosnia is getting the new Schengen pports, meaning that Ill no longer require a Visa to travel to most parts of Europe. So If any one can help it will be most appreciated.

Can an Xbox 360 without the Falcon chip connect to Xbox live?

I have an Xbox 360 without the Falcon chip, and for some reason it won't connect to Xbox Live. Is it becuase Xbox Live has updated so much that my xbox is now outdated?

Is Lady GaGa the next David Bowie?

David Bowie had talent, he could write, sing, play, direct and produce. Regardless of his prediliction towards the outrageous, he still was (and is) gifted. Lady Gaga is an act. She's not a particulary good singer, and while she does help write her music, there's not much there. She is very succesful at what she does. When her body of work starts to approach what Bowie did, I'll buy the comparison. Until she proves she's more than just the fad of the week, not so much.

Canadians i need ur help (again)?

i need to know the busiest cities in Canada. And can someone give a site/link to a map of Canada?(printable)

Chemistry Calculation HELP! please?

Will take your calculations of moles as being correct.On that basis notice that, from the equations you have written, it would take 2moles of KI to one mole of the lead compound;and so you would need 2 moles of the iodide to react with one mole of the lead iodide.and so the the lead salt seems to be in excess.You've done a lot of work and I hope you get the benefit of it.

How to reduce hypertension?

I weight about 239 lbs and I'm 6'1, I have hypertension and was wondering what is the best dietary measure I can take? Would it be to consume less salt/sodium, or to reduce my weight. I know both are good, but which is better than the other?

How do i get custody of my 16,13, & 9 year old nephews?

take it to court. call child services and have them investigate for abuse. Then if they take them away, ask if you can get custody. Almost all of the time they will give the children to family instead of putting them in foster care (unless you are seen as "unfit" or you are as bad as their mother). Good Luck and Thank you for doing the right thing!

When you pluck out a hair what the the black thing at the end of the hair?

You know when you pluck out a leg hair, eyebrow hair, any hair, there is a black thing at the end of it? Is it the root? I've looked at the hair under a microscope. The little black thing can be squished off with the tweezers or your fingers. What is it specifically?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's the best way to capitol hill?

not only will not find parking, you might not be allowed in. they're talking about road closures from VA and MD to block traffic into DC. i agree the previous answerer, park at a metro station ($4) and take a line in. it looks like federal triangle will be the best station but i'm not sure if they're closing it or not. this is the metro's website talking about inauguration day: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a open the first 'metro plans' box.

Good Brands for a Teen Girl ?

hmm where they baby doll tees? if they were, I wouldn't put them in the dryer if you did b/c they shrink A LOT in the dryer. maybe try old navy, they have some cute tees and really good quality. I'd also recomend department stores like JC Penney, they have a very wide selection and good quality stuff. I also like fashion bug, they have really good quality stuff there too.

Where are the oxygen sensors located on both a 1998 ford windstar and a 1991 honda prelude, any pics are nice?

Why are you asking this? Have they been properly diagnosed? By properly I mean did someone actually test teh vehicels and determine that the oxygen sensors are not functioning? If all that was done is to read teh codes in the computer, then you cannot know if the sensors are bad. Oxygen sensors are voltage generating devices and are often blamed for 'check engine' lights being on. It is realy importnat to know that oxygen sensors never commit suicide, they are always murdered. By that I mean that if they really are not working correctly, then you need ot find the root cause of their problem and fix that before replacing or you'll be seeing more murdered oxygen sensors soon. Think about what can affect an oxygen sensor and you will often find the problem. Use a scantool and get a reading for each O2 sensor: if lean, it could be too much air which could be froma cracked exhaust manifold or leaky gasket upstream from the sensor or the engine may not be getting enough fuel. If rich there may be an airflow problem or there could be oil getting into the system through the intake or past the rings. If inoperative, it could very well be that the sensor is faulty. However, an accurate diagnosis is needed before spending money on sensors that may or may not fix the problem.

Gay Black Men???????????????

Is there any website I can go on thats not Afro-centric but touches African American gay issues? It seems like every website(i.e. After Elton) is just a bunch of white gay male themed websites and it's very frustrating it's like damn black guys exist too in the gay community.

New puppys name? with picture?

You can tell when a puppy is born if its a girl or boy, unlike kittens. As for a name I'm not sure. Which ever you think is the cutest.

If The Bears.........................…

If the Bears went onto the superbowl against ________ (whoever you think deserves it so far in afc) who would win?

7-4......... Chemistry help, please?

If it is carbon, the number of protons must be 6, so answer a) and c) are wrong. If it is a different isotope, the number of neutrons must be different, so d) is wrong.

15 with bunions!Professional help please!?

I am 15 years old and i have hereditary bunions. I'm also a dancer and about to start pointe but my doctor said no because of my bunions. Is there someway i can fix this without surgery?? So i can dance? It is my pion.

I really need this so please help?

ok here's the deal i have been using proactive for a long ish time and i have noticed that each place that i use them on the most is starting to grow hair like my upper lip is starting to grow some short blonde hair. i mean its not a real see it from far away mustache but still i can se it in the mirror and feel it when i breath out of my nose and i have a theory on why its happening i think its the bleach in the proactive is kinda killing the skin c ells and since that's wat hair is made of its starting to grow hair so anyways i want to know if there is a way i can get rid of hair once and or all on the places that he hair is starting to grow like i do it on once and never have to worry about it again. but u should know that i am only 15 so i cant buy anything regularly and i cant have any laser hair removal so i need to know a way to get rid of hair permanently without using money or anything and i have thought abut shaving but i realized that when u shave something the hair in that area that u shaved grows back even faster later. so here's a summary wat i want to know is a way to get rid of hair once and for all anyplace that the practive is causing it to grow and i cant get laser hair removal and i cant shave and i cant buy anything for it. so i need help on fuguring out how to do this easily i hope that u can help and i hope that i didnt make it to confusing if theres anything u need to know then ask i guess i really nedd to know how to get ird of hair like this and stuff so plase help

Rate my pokemon diamond team plz?

your team is very great and awesome. You seem to know what nature is suitable for what pokemon. Really impressive. All your pokemon are very powerful, especially garchomp and tyranitar. I suggest avalanche or dragon claw to fight dragons and many other types. Since you said you 1 to get rid of a pokemon, then i suggest dusknoir. Its not a weak pokemon but its just too slow and and is the weakest among all your pokemon. You might 1 to get an electric type pokemon like raikou or zapdos. they are not ubers so don't worry. Preferred nature for raikou would be modest and mild for zapdos. Its undeniable that your team is really tough. 9/10. Hope you like my suggestions.=)

My son is on Prevacid for his Reflux. Please help?

Ok when my son was 2 weeks old he was diagnosed with reflux. They (pediatricians)put him on Zantac and i was also told to thicken his formula with a little rice cereal. Also they changed his formula to Similac Alimentum. The medicine did seem to help but not 100 percent, so then they put him on Prevacid which was like a miracle drug! It works soooo well for him. Ever since he was born he has been a very happy baby he barely ever cries, so when at 2 weeks he would cry or be fussy at feedings i knew something was wrong. Well now he is almost 11 weeks and the last few days he has gotten really fussy in the evening time. And it just dawned on me that it was probably his reflux acting up again. His breath and pacifier has been having this smell to it, kinda like a spit up/something else kinda smell don't really know. So when he had another fussy evening i called the DOC on call and he said to give him another dose which we did, now he seems to be fine. He gets a 15mg dissolving tab every morning. The DOC said to start giving him the 15 mg tab at night. I thought maybe half in the morning and half at night just to space it out. I guess what my question is has this happened to anyone else? Like did ur baby do great with the medicine and then have to be put on a higher dose? Maybe because of weight? My son is almost 12lbs. Please help!

Kid friendly chicken nuggets?..?

I usually just cut up a chicken cutlet, toss it in egg, then breadcrumbs and bake.. The chicken that I have right now is frozen chicken tenderloins-- so I'm thawing them out over night to make for my neices and nephew tomorrow.. Is there something I can "soak" or marinate them in that will make them more tender (i've found the frozen chx to be kinda tough sometimes), and also that will make them even more appealling to the kids?

Where can i find roxy boots featured in 17 mag?

I saw the boots in seventeen magazine they are suede with a cool graphic inside that folds down but when I looked on their website I couldn't find them..... if you can please give websites thnks

LLC vs. C Corporation I'm going to start a business renting out my condos.?

For real estate investing I think LLC's are better. They do not create a taxable event when real estate is transferred in and out of the LLC. There are of course many other differences but this IMO is the big reason to choose this particular structure.

What phone should i get??????

I am going to be getting a new phone next month. And im eaither getting the Glyde or the Chocolate. I love both of the phones. The problem is idk wht one to get. I like the touch sn but i also like how the chocolate has the spinny thing. i did have some trouble playin around wit the choclate and no problem playing around with the Glyde...but i just cant deside.......Tell me wht one works better and how the battery is and also....i drop my phones and i CANT drop the glyde bc the sn will crack and that would be bad thats wht happen to my Krazer...but that goes for the chocolate to...but i can get a case...but i hate cases...but i guess iw ont it if it will help my phone..........please help!

I have small painless lumps in my fingers,one on the right hand and one on the left hand?

i have a small painless lumps in my fingers 1in the right hand and the other on the left hand ,they have been there for the last 1 year,i trim them with a razor blade but after sometime they reappear,but have not spread ,i used to work in a hospital , i asked, one of dermatologist told me it is gloves ,for the last two months am not working in a hospital,but they are still there,am afraid thy might be something serious,any one who has a clue,just help

Football team kit manufacturer?

I am looking for a company in the UK that will manufacture football kit (Puma/Adidas) to very high standards (professional standard) . If any one knows who does this please let me know.

Does anyone else see similarities between Vick and OJ?

As far as their supporters go, it seems to be divided by race as was the OJ trial. And even after conviction their supporters continue to support them despite what horrable things they did. And alot of them consider the outcomes to be racism.... Anyone agree? Disagree?


when he sees me he smiles & we hug. he asks to hang out often. he ims me a lot. (broke his phone so cant text.) he holds doors open for me & stuff. he sometimes calls me beautiful/gorgeous/doll/etc. hes touches me a lot like hugging or putting his arm around me. i think he likes me but idk.

Rate these baby names please!!?

Aidan, Noah and Corey are my favorite of the boys and Kaelyn and Louisa are my favorites of the girls

Ok so what is everyone elso going through?

Ok so my LMP was January 31. I'm trying to hold out testing as long as possible, and my cycle's have been irregular for the past few months so I really can't pinpoint when its coming anymore. The only "symptoms" i've had are sore lower back and I have also been very fatigued lately but when I get in bed at night I toss and turn for hours it seems like. Whats up with that? Anyway so i'm wondering if anyone is around the same time frame as I am? Do you have any symptoms? Have you tested yet? Has anyone got their BFP? Also to women who are pregnant, what did you experience in your TWW? Did anyone have the fatigue without being able to fall asleep before you found out you were pregnant? Sorry for all the questions i'm just curious and want to hear your stories. BABY DUST!! Had this posted in the TTC section and didn't get any answers, just wanted to hear your stories.

My chinese fried prawn noodles, do u think it looks good?

Looks pretty good. Do you know that people are talking sh**t about your lunch picture posts. I stuck up for you the other day and people talked sh*t about me for sticking up for you. This is the best meal you have posted..Keep it up.

Why are there petitions to continue the shows veronica mars if it had been cancelled three years ago?

veronica mars had the same amount or viewers in season 1 as season 3 which was like .2million more than season 2 so I have no clue why it ended. but it could have a spinoff show

What can I do? I know they don't like me.?

My sisters and I still aren't cool or talking. I'm not trying to make you think that my sisters are horrible people...I'm sure they're great with each other and their friends. I just want you to know that the relationship I had with them was toxic. It would be best to not even bring up my name if you know them. This is deep but I think they resent me because I'm disabled. I get a job my sister says it isn't hard if I'm doing it. When I was on the news one time my sister said so it's not like she's a celebrity. They never turn to me when they need help with like bfs and stuff even though they know I've been there. When her friends come over they're very rude and insensitive at me for nothing. They put words in my mouth that I wouldn't say or even think. I told you before that if I try to talk to them about anything, they act busy or like I'm bothering them. If I'm sick then they say (out of nowhere) that they don't care because it's for attention...I wish it ******* was. My one sister isn't as nasty as my older little sister but she does take her side a lot even though I've always treated her/them both nicely. There's so many unnecessarily evil things they've said & done to me over the years that I'm actually afraid to start talking to them again. I've spoken to therapists and such about them and they all say the same thing at first "tell them how you feel" lol like I never did that. I just feel trapped. I have no family or friends because my sisters spread twisted false tails about me. I can't even smile without hearing an insulting criticism. I just feel so hated. Ever see "whatever happened to baby Jane?" Well I could have an ending like that if I stay here - only difference is that everyone on the beach would be on Janes side because of her lies. I would record it but that's slander isn't it? I could try to sue them for slander but I'm not there when they bash me behind my back. I can tell their friends have a false impression of me before they meet me because of the way they act when I say hi. Any help would be great. Thanks.

My friend slept with her ex boyfriend's friend now exbo is current bo and he cannot move on! ?

My friend's ex boyfriend and my best friend just rekindled a relationship after 4 years. He just recently found out that 4 years ago while they were broke up that his best friend and his ex "current" girlfriend slept together. During a drunken evening the best friend of the boyfriend told him to not get back together with her because he had slept with her. When my friend was confronted she did confess that they did sleep together but it was because the best friend had lured her into it by telling her about lots of her boyfriends indiscretions. Cindy and Ex-bo are now back together and he appears to love her but he keeps bringing up the fact that she slept with his best friend. What should she do?

Should child support really be the way it is?

King, I loke some of yoru suggestions. And there is some benefit to having a specific rule. But you'll probably agree there are many instances wehre flexibility offers better options in some cases. The truth is, virtually every case is "exceptional". The problem is the lack of uniformity in application, even of fixed rules, much less flexible approaches. Too bad we can't have a hard rule that all family law judges must exercise "good judgment" when it comes to matters of chiuld and spousal support. But your ideas have a lot of merit. Thanks for your efforts here.

Are stores closed on Dec 5 (Thai King's Holiday) in Bangkok?

Some of the smaller shops and stalls might be closed to celebrate the King's birthday, but the large malls and many restaurants, especially in the more touristy areas will be open. Most temples will be open, but unless you want to partake in the birthday celebrations you may want to avoid the the area around Sanam Luang in front of the Grand Palace and nearby areas where the birthday festivities take place, many streets are closed and often hundreds of thousands of people come to honor the King.

Where can I find about government Grants to start a small business?

I am trying to get my home business to the next step, but do not have the capitol to make it happen, for unrelated reasons that prevent me from getting a loan. I need to be able to advertise and pay for vendor fees at various shows, but most importantly, I need to establish a real shop for people to come to and where I can work on my product in a more effective environment for my work.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Will you ask your kid's teachers to teach this?

Most teachers expect the parents to teach the kids all the work they give the children in school The kids are not learning they are being ped from grade to grade for the $$$$$$$$$$$$

Teachers: Need Help On Perspective?

I think it looks good, and that is the kind of thing I notice... I've always been interested in people who "fall through the cracks" like that.

Check English grammar please?

Using a number of electrical devices such as cell phones, computers , IPODs, and NDSs has become part of our daily lives. Living in a busy city like Hong Kong , we seldom have time away from work to meet up with our old friends. As time pes, we grow to miss our old friends. However, we find ourselves unable to remember our old clmates’ s names and phone numbers. After crazily searching all the corners of our houses to find the note books we used to use to jot down others’ s phone numbers we sadly realize the note book has gone missing. You will find yourself depressed at the thought that you can never contact your primary clmates again. I have decided to write this multi-functional phone book program to help people like you and I so you will never regret that you didn’t have a system to store your contacts. As you know, there are some differences between using a notebook and a program to search for a phone number. Here are some of the advantages of using phone book directory program:

Which bicycle brand do you prefer?

I own a Trek and a Canondale, among other more "high-priced" bikes, and I can say that Trek and Canondale are just as good as any of those "high-priced" bikes that I got made to my specifications for racing, so, Trek and Canondale do it for me. God Bless you.

What was Edgar Allen Poe's work that received major recognition?

For what work or works did Edgar Allen Poe receive major recognition? Give the work, the recognition, and the date. Thanks, much.

If socialism were not vilified to the extent of Palmer's Raids would the Socialist Party still exist today?

What were the goals of the Socialist Party in the teens? A graduated income tax, comprehensive labor laws, comprehensive civil rights laws, comprehensive health insurance and old age insurance. Virtually all of the Socialists' goals were coopted into the Democratic Party's platforms over the years. Palmer's raids were supposed to uproot Communists, Bolsheviks and anarchists.

Bad credit auto loans?

I'm a student and kinda stuck in getting a auto loan. Basically, I need a car to get to work, to get a car I need a auto loan, to get a auto loan I need a job (to show the proof of employment). So, how am I suppose to get a auto loan with a bad credit, no co-signer and no employment? I would really appreciate any help!!!

I need info about COLONIAL New Jersey that are interesting and beneficial 2 ppl that might've lived there?

It is for a brochure that I have to make. plz give web sites of where you found the info. if you can! thnxies!

What are your top 5 favourite International Teams?

australia everybody has written them off after losing to south africa at home but they came back with vengeance in south africa, i admire india but they think they are bigger than the game,sri lankas sucesses have been on the back of a chucker,i have respect for south africa especially after graemesmiths heroics in sydney,i enjoy the west indies with captain cool chris gayle leading from the front, new zealand are battlers,pakistan have always been an enigma,the poms think because they invented the game they own it forget about zimbabwe and bangledesh will be a force in the next 2 years

Obama - down for the count?

Why is it that I keep hearing predictions of Obama going to be asinated (sorry cant spell) if this is so, don't you think that Hilary is taking advantage of this? she didnt truly resign as a canidate... she didnt REALLY say "I QUIT" did she. if Obama is asinated then she'll be back in the game? but anyways, why is this prediction being thrown around?

I just don't understand why you Rethugs don't like us Liberals and criticize Obama...what gives?

Liberals need to concern themselves with themselves as they are the ones who have lost their way. We are fine.

Can using a pacifier interfere with a baby teething?

My Daughter is 8 1/2 months and still doesn't have any teeth is it because she uses a pacifier? I can see them but they havent broken threw her gums.

UPDATED! Please help a very confused little girl!!?

Sixth Grade! Your mother should have ALL control over you! You are just a child, probably only 11 or 12 years old and too young to be posting on Y!A! Go to bed! You have school tomorrow!

What was the difference between the french monarchy and the english monarchy in the 18th century?

For one thing, the French monarchy was more absolute. Although the English Kings has considerably more power than they have had since , Parliament was already stronger than its French counterpart. The English court also didn't go in for quite the degree of extravagant living as did the French court under Louis XIV and XV. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette actually toned down the royal lifestyle a bit, but they inherited all the ill will that Louis's predecessors had built up.

Older Standard Poodle...New home with Tea Cup poodles?

I think you are right. She needs to be worked. She is also grieving the loss of her previous owner. Only time & patience help with that.

Are there some christian bikers in this furum?

I am not, but there is a local Christian bike club that has members in at LEAST two churches. It's called H.I.M. (Hogs in Ministry). There are several who go to my church, and some more who attend a nearby "Christ the King" church.

Need to buy a power supply unit?

Why do you think it needs to be between 450 and 500 watts? You can put as big a power supply in it as you want. The wattage rating is simply what the supply can put out before it fails. The bigger the better

Introverted parents of extroverted children:?

Instead of calling it "No friends today" call it family day. Decide one day a week that is family day no friends allowed, then you have the one day a week that is set in stone.

Poetry contest?

I think a sonnet, they are difficult to master but are in a cl of their own compared to the others. I only wish I had the skills to write one :)

Find the equation of the parabola?

Clearly you have a maximum at x=4. Also you have a line through the two given points with equation y= -4.5x+29.5. Since this is the first derivative of the quadratic, The general form of the quadratic transforms to y= -4.5x^2 + 29.5x + c. Substituting one of the points in the equation produces c=-78. So your equation is Y= -4.5x^2 + 29.5x -78.

What is profound about les miserables?

i have not read it, but have seen the play a when i was much younger and i can not find an answer to this question. i hear about it all the time. please tell me about it. thanks.

How do u install a instrument cluster of a 1987 Chevy Astro?

i have been working on a 1987 chevy astro and found the instrument cluster was broke so i replaced it, problem is that I forgot how to put it back

How do I chose a Power supply for the following mo bo and cpu?

I suggest you use a 550 Watt power supply (for safe), but that's depend on your Graphic Card.if you using an add-on Graphic card,such as Ati Radeon HD 4870, you better using a 650 watt PSU

Do you wish more Texans these day were more like this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Has their been some real life feauds in the wwe ?

theres bin a few, triple h and goldberg a couple of years ago and i know not in wwe, but while in wcw arn anderson and sid vicious, they got in2 a fight and arn ended up gettin stabbed with scissors lol

Isn't what Father Michael Pfleger said the same thing a comedian would say?

Yes. I heard it on tv from the other room and thought it was a comedian. People are upset (supposedly) because it was said at church.

really sore and yellowish discharge keeps coming out of it?

Last Night I was playing dares with my girlie's when? Sammy goes " I dare you no i bet you couldn't last a minute with both your L lips being pulled" So Sammy grabbed my l lips and pulled them I last 23 seconds and now there all lose and sore what can i do to make me normal

How much do you think a dentist appointment would cost for me?

You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Is 0bama a coward for running off to MN while 2million protest his blend of Fascism/Marxism?

Where did the wedding take place in the movie" Because I said So"?

I need to know the location and the venue name. I loved the wedding location and would like to have a wedding there. Thanks for all your help. The movie is starring Mandy More.

What causes an element to become radioactive?

First, we need to talk isotopes rather than elements. An element is defined by the number of protons in its nucleus. Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons in the nucleus. If a nucleus has more neutrons in its nucleus than it wants (the neutron/proton ratio is too high), it will try to get to a stable state by emitting some form of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, nuetron). Some isotopes that occur naturally are radioactive. Most products resulting from the fission process are radioactive. A stable nucleus can be made radioactive by bombarding it with sub-atomic particles - usually alpha, neutron, or proton. The fission process releases a lot of neutrons. In a nuclear reactor some of these neutrons are absorbed by nuclei used in the structure of the reactor. These then become radioactive. In some reactors, materials are purposely inserted into the reactor to make them radioactive. This is how most radioactive isotopes used for medical purposes is produced.

Pendulum. what's the song's title?

there's that pendulum song, where there is a part that goes like this : '**** it, I lied.It's drum'n'b. Wacha gonna do?' but i don't know the title. can anybody help me? :-s

How do i maintain motivation?

Why don't you try competing with others? Competition really gives an edge to a person no matter how lethargic, procrastinator or whatever they are. Why? Because humans are proud beings. We hate losing and we want to prove to everyone else that we are better than them. Give it a try and it just might be the boost your system's looking for.

Will the mid carders survive hhh's cerebral career inations and Ric flairs retirement storyline?

we all know since hhh came back that he loves destroying mid carders like carlito,shelton,umaga and king booker (who was a maineventer) and pushing wrong people like vince mcmahon and jeff hardy. ric flair rediculas storyline has already reached the mid carder who is simply better than everyover else mvp and we know though mvp should win he won't. oh ya don't forget hornswaggle

Delta Sigma Theta or Alpha Kappa Alpha?

You should pursue the one that YOU are interested in once you've researched BOTH orgs and gotten a chance to see what they're like on your particular campus. What is a great choice for one person may be a horrible choice for someone else. While AKA was the only one for me, I would prefer taht my nieces became Deltas if that's where there hearts are than to become an AKA just to say that they are one. Our orgs are lifetime committments, so choose wisely - good luck!

Co signer for my green card?

im about to file for a green card throu marriage and i was asked to provide a co signer who makes over $18.000 annually, but i have two ppl who make over $ 10.000 which is 20.000 do i have to have one person cosigning me or can i have two ppl whose annual income is less than 18000

How can one have without being noticed?

my boyfriend still lives with his mother.. most of the time when im at his house we're in bed under the quilt most of the time naked. but we're both afraid that we might get caught.. being naked is already a risk.. having is a greater risk.... anyone has any idea of how to have without being noticed we lovee missionary but we can't do that at his house as his mother is only a room away.. any help plss???? thx

Why am i still single?

100% hispanic (not from mexico. El Salvador , my parents are not me), long black hair, big brown eyes, braces (3 more months), I'm not socially awkward, i am kinda shy, not a tramp, flat stomach, get all a's (except math 89),not prude, will talk if you talk to me, i am a cheerleader (did dance for 6 yrs) so im in shape. I just dont get why no one has ever liked me.

Should i just ask her out?

Ok, so i really like this girl. I think about her alot. And she really seemed like she liked me and was interested. She didn't say that directly but that's what it seemed like. We talk alot, and text a bunch, like everyday. Sometimes I text her first, and sometimes she texts me first. We are so sweet and nice to eachother, and it just seems like she really likes me. But idk, because she's been liking this other guy but i'm pretty sure they aren't going out anymore, and aren't going to again. And i went to to the movies with her and her friend, and my friends. It started off good, we sat by eachother and talked and stuff. But then out of nowhere she stops talking and switches seats with her friend and i end up not sitting by for the rest of the night, which sucked. I'm kinda stressed cuz idk if she likes me and if i should just tell her that i really like her. but i dont want to mess up our friendship, cuz she is a really cool girl. now usually she is really sweet and joking and cool and puts smiley faces when we text eachother, but the last couple of days, she hasnt been like she usually was. i just dont get it. did she lose interest in me? about half a week ago she told me that i was the nicest and sweetest guy shes ever met and that im caring and funny and that she just loves it. i was sure she liked me when she said that. but idk now she doesnt seem like it. did she suddenly lose interest in me? or maybe she just liked another guy, and was just nice to me? idk i really hate this and i just want her so bad. any help with this, i would really appriciate. thanks

Friday, August 12, 2011

Do i need visa to visit london... i'm malaysian?

According to a href="" rel="nofollow" no you don't, not for a holiday or short stay (not working or studying either). I just did the test for you. You can have a look yourself and/or email/phone them just incase though.

What do you think of my musical taste?

Pretty good. Some I haven't heard of. Great to see some variety in your list. Anybody who listens to only one genre of music (for example metal or hip hop) needs to open their mind to new and different things.

Question about the Constitution?

No. The seven articles of the Constitution -- three of which describe the three branches of the federal government -- came first and then the Bill of Rights came afterward. So the Bill of Rights is in the Constitution, not the other way around.

What are some good songs to .?!?!?!?!?

what are some good songs to listen to while working out. Like running and such I need some really hyping songs you know i need the something that gives me some oomph lol kind of illiterate right now sorry! But the person who leaves the most recommendations gets the best answer . Thanks Your help is appreciated.

Has the american hospital ship been sent to Haiti.?

The united states government has two complete hospital ships. one on the east coast and one on the west coast. I have worked on them. as far as I know they have never been mobilized to help people in a disaster. I called the white house after the earth quake and was tol that it was sent. But I don't ever see anything on the news is it there?

What size snowboard?!?

Hey guys i want to get into snowboarding but i dont know what size of board i should i get i'm 14 im 5'2 and like 120 pounds ( dont know if it matters) why kind of board should i get? and some good brand names would be great too!!!!

How to hang christmas stockings??? please help!!!!******?

Can some one please tell me how to hang up Christmas stockings on the fireplace without buying $40 stocking hooks! Is there a cheaper method???

Can a LLC own property and some one from this LLC file a personal bankruptcy will this affect the property?

Our personal home is in foreclosure, if we apply for a LLC license and add the LLC license to our rental property during a bankruptcy will we be forced to sell the rental property?

Are you alarmed that Paul Ryan, who now chair House Budget Committee, wants to cut spending back to 2006 level?

The government can't tax and spend us into prosperity and it will not create jobs . Jobs have to come from the private sector and for that to happen the government needs to work with business,something they don't seem to want to do..

Does this go with my pc parts? (size)?

All coolers are designed to clear "normal" sized parts ( ie RAM, and Graphics cards) However, firstly, it depends on if you have heat spreaders on the RAM you are going to use. Some RAM designed for gaming have high heatsinks above the RAM cards for cooling. This may interfere with some CPU coolers. Secondly, its really all about the width of your case, more than anything else. If you have clearance in your case, and clearance on the height of the RAM, your all good. Most ATX form factor parts are made to standard sizes and generally work together.

Is the UK looking for a friend in Turkey by pushing for their EU membership?

I don't imagine they'll overtake the "Big Three" in Europe, they don't have that capacity. But at any rate they would be a useful friend to have, I hope we can foster a strong relationship with them. I am however glad there will be an immigration cap on Turkey should they enter the EU, or god help us all!

Start ReyclinG ?!~!? ^_^?

great job. more people need to try to do it. my school already does. the key is to get the teachers to use them. they go through more paper than the students will. just get them to recycle and collect the bins once a week. good luck.

Is it wrong that i am sleeping with my girlfriend but no at 17?(10 points for best answer)?

Sleeping in the same bed ain't wrong you guys been going out for 4 years! Lucky you! BUt i understand you respect her and dont want to take advantage of her, its not weird to not have when your 17, if your not ready thats your choice, you both have to agree when you think is the right time to. This proves real love! If you can wait you truly love them.

How do I become and official PAT tester?

I am a fully trained sound engineer and as part of my training did a fairly extensive electronics and electrical safety course. My question is how do i become an official legal PAT tester as it would be useful for some of my work with charities who can't afford PAT testing services.

Why is it that...........?

American government knows how much they are screwing us over and are afraid we will turn on them sooner or later.

Pc keeps restarting again and again?

I tried to run memtest but cant make the pc run for a sufficient time for it to get complete so far it showed no error.also i have a software named pc probe which shows the cpu temp n the fan speed,the power n chis fan shows zero speed but when i opened the cpu case it was running fine.everything is fine except when i log in to xp it only allows me 15-20 mins.It doesn't allow me to even run a anti-virus scanner it justs runs for some time n goes off.pls help i tried calling my engineer he seemed to be a bit tight on schedule so i think i have to do it on my own

I have 2 mtx terminator 10's in a down-firing sealed box in my '04 gmc seirra. Is this the best i can do?

I am just not satisfied and also I listen to mostly rap/hip hop. And I want the best thump I can get without having my bed cut out. Anybody have any advice?

What are some major themes in shakespeares play's?

You can look at how Shakespeare portrays women and men in his plays (particularly in Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet). Look at how men are portrayed and at how women are portrayed and examine how this differs from common beliefs about gender roles. You can also compare and contrast the parental relationships depicted in Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Nights Dream. How does Hermia's father compare to Juliet's when approached by a suitor who wants to marry his daughter? Good luck!

Considering buying an '88 Pontiac Fiero GT?

parts are gonna be hard to find....something to think about. 1988? jeez maybe 120k miles. i wouldn't pay more then 5-700 for it

What to do for a honeymoon?

For an inexpensive honeymoon with lots of adventure, try a state park. Check your state, they have many places at the state parks with inexpensive and fun things to do. I live in a state with mountains and beaches, so there is lots to do through the state parks, and it is much cheaper than an all inclusive plastic resort.

Why did Eminem put Redman at no. 1 on his list in 'till I collapse'?

obviously you are unaware of the fact that Redman is the sh!t. and that eminems opinion is eminems opinion

How many hours is the interphase, the time in the cell cycle that is not devoted to mitosis?

It varies greatly by cell type, but cells spent about 90% of the time in interphase. Mammalian cells usually take at least 24 hours to divide, so I I would go with E.

Landlord controls heat, thermostat is downstairs in a barbershop. Help!?

I have been living in my studio apartment almost 3 years. I live in the Northern part of the United States. My apartment is cold, especially at night. Heat is included in my rent. The building I live in is old (100 years) and the landlord won't up date the heating system. The thermostat/boiler for the whole building is controlled by the barbershop downstairs. None of the apartments up here have a thermostat. Not even in the hallway. So while it may be nice and toasty downstairs, the tenants are freezing. The landlord knows this and doesn't do anything about it. The barbershop shouldn't have control of tenants heat. They constantly adjust the thermostat and it leaves us cold. When there place heats up, the boiler automatically shuts off when the temp downstairs is reached. Which leaves the apartments up here not warm enough. I just called him and he said to go downstairs and talk to the barbershop. Because he can't come up to turn up the heat. Thus has been pissing me off since I been here, along with other things. It is his responsibility to maintain the heat, not mine. I shouldn't have to go embarr myself by asking a place of business to turn on the heat. My hands are cold and so are my feet. The woman across the hallway has already complained about the heating situation and she has a young child who needs heat also. The landlord said he would call the business downstairs to check the thermostat. I may now have to use my space heater to get warm, but it raised my electric bill by 100 dollars last. This is totally unfair. Why would a landlord keep a thermostat downstairs in a hair salon where there is plenty of heat anyway. The salon is closed at night, while they go home to a nice and warm house. Please don't say move, because I don't have any money to move. What can I do?

Who is your favorite Female singer of the 50,s & 60,s.?

I know we hd all talked about our favorite singers of this era. It is always Elvis, Ricky, the Beatles and so on.But we seldom mention the women singers I have been listening to Connie Francis, Among my Souvenirs- I really liked her Music here is a few more that I like . Brenda Lee, Lesley Gore, Dusty Springfield, Skeeter Davis and Patsy Cline are a few of my favorites. Can you name a few of yours. Thanks Mil

What type of enclosure do I need?

u need to look in ur sub's manual, it should tell u the best recommended size, yes you should use screws and glue, dont be afraid to go crazy with glue. after you've bulit the box use caulking to all inside corners to ensure it's airtight. let it dry for a day, then put in sub, play sub and listen for air leak, if there is one fill it. thats for sealed box, ported, wel has a port so it's not airtight.

Elementary yearbook theme and/or cover ideas?

Definitely go with the puzzle idea, that's a great idea!!! It's really creative and it should make the students feel good because it incorporates all of their ideas. I think that's great!!

How do carbon footprints get calculated?

I don't need a calculator, i need an explanation on how they actually get calculated. Also i need how carbon usage is linked to energy and global warming. Thanks, best answer to to anyone who answers first with what i need :)

What is it called to believe in God but not an afterlife?

Did you ever think that maybe your soul is just unconscious right now? I mean, I was taught that the purpose of life is to grow and develop morally and mentally. The soul isn’t needed for that. Its only purpose is to carry on after the body is dead. So, why would it be awakened when it isn’t needed? Perhaps, your mind is transcribed and saved in your soul but it is not active in your life. After death it becomes active and you move to the next world in it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hot water heater question?

Our hot water heater is downstairs in the basement, and last night we ran out of propane. So we called the guy and told them that we were out of propane, so he came right away this morning and put some in. He asked me if I wanted him to light the pilot light and I said yes because I have no idea how do it. So he lit it and when I got home this afternoon the pilot light was out, so I tried to light it again because he showed me how, it stays lit for about 5 mins and then it shuts off. When I move the water heater just a little bit there seems like there's not hot water in it. Please help me I don't know what to do! Thanks

Why does the oil light turn on on my 1999 honda prelude?

It could be you are low on oil or you have a bad oil sensor. Have these things check first. Hope this help!

What's the name of the insect that appears only in the monsoon in India & gets attraced to light?

This is more often found in East India. They come from April & till the end of October (in monsoon), they have no trace. From where do they originate? After it rains in evening, they come in thousands from the window and cover the light brown. The most interesting part of them is that they know that if they go near any illuminating object like the tubelight, they will die but still they come near it. Till morning, all of them die & then again in the next evening their successors come. Today I cleaned at least 40,000 of their dead bodies. Why is it that they are so numerous in summer & rainy & almost extinct in winter? I would be pleased to know because I'm collecting articles on mysterious animals like the prehistoric dinosaurs and others of that kind. What are they called & why are they so mysterious?

What is a good and simple to use program for shortening MP3s?

Audacity is a free program that you can use to trim the files. You can also use effects on them, such as fadeout at the end of your cropped mp3 to make it sound more "professional." You also need to download the lame addon for audacity (it's also on the site) to be able to export as mp3.

Will pacifiers damage newborn gums or the growth of teeth?

My husband believes that pacifiers will damage our newborns' gums. Personally I think he made it up because our newborn constantly drops it out of his mouth and pitches a fit when he's sleepy. I believe that patience has it rewards and I do not intend for our son to have a pacifier once his teeth come in. I read in an American Baby magazine that newborns need to suck because it soothes them.

How do i tell him i love him....?

im falling for this guy. everytime i think of him i get warm and lovey inside. were dating but were not official. i wanna tell him i more than like him. he always texts me that he misses me. we make love often i love it so much its the best. im so attached to him but we see each other once a week. we both work alot and should i tell him i think im falling for him?? i dont wanna scare him away especially if he wants to take things slow and hasnt asked me to be his girlfriend yet. dating more than two months and sonetimes i just wanna say i love him instead of missing him

How do I stop my cat being constipated?

You definately need to take him to the vet to be checked out. If he has been constipated for any length of time, he might need an enema. Otherwise, if the constipation continues, he could be at risk for megacolon, which could require surgery. After the vet has checked him over, there are a number of things you can do to prevent the constipation for recurring. First and foremost, you need to change this cat's diet. He should not be eatin people food, and especially the food you are feeding him. For constipated cats, canned cat food is best, because it contains more liquid. Making sure your cat is getting enough water is also key, because many times when cats are constipated, they are also dehydrated. You can also mix in Metamucil with the food, which will help keep him regular. I have also heard of laxatone, which is a hairball remedy. Hair are a common cause of constipation. You also need to make sure that your cat's litter box is immaculate. If the litter box is dirty, your cat may be refusing to go, which can also cause constipation. Hopefully this will help your kitty!

Do you believe in Aliens?

We don't know whether or not there is other intelligent life in the universe. There is no reason there shouldn't be. We know by our own existence that the universe is conducive to life. Some day, we may know for sure whether we are alone in the universe. In the meantime the search goes on, as we also try to understand the universe and how it may be conducive to life.

Strongest metal possible?

If I was looking to get an insanely strong ring something that could outlast machine gun fire, hells flames, and punch back armageddons meteor and what kind of metal, alloy etc would be the best?

Overnight weekend shift woes?

I work friday and saturday overnight shift. I have to stay awake and I dont really have trouble with it, but I cant stay motiviated or get any work done. It not exactly a fast past job most of the time but I have many things I have to do. I feel like a slac off. NO one else is here so I end up not doing much. People have complaned things are not complete. I Have always been a very diligent and dedicated employee in other jobs. What do I do? I cant work any other times or change my hours. How do I stop being so lazy?

Does she still love/have feelings for me? What should i do!?!?! I NEED HELP?

Me and this girl were talking. we were talking for like 4 months and everything was going well. As we were talking and as the weeks were progressing we were talking about certain things. She's still a virgin and she asked me what would be a reasonable time FOR ME to wait. I didn't know what else to say so i just made up a number like 4 or 5 months, because to me that's not really my say that hers. She asked me how many girls that i had with. I dont know why i lied but i felt the need to tell her 7 when the real number is only 2. As things were going well, one day she goes up to her moms who lives like 3-4 hours away, i didn't hear from her for a whole weekend until that sunday evening. I get a a text saying "i think we should just be friends" and i ask "why!?" she says that she feels that she drags me into her problems and she doesn't want to do that anymore. Now keep in mind, i been there since day one, even when her dog ped away i always comforted her and always talked to her on the phone as much as possible to hear her voice and to just be there for her, but she feels i get dragged into her stuff with her dad is crazy because he never lets her do anything...he just feels that a kid needs to listen to what is told and that's it, flat out. Her mom told me that she always told her how much she cares about me and how this is hard but her dad is mostly the problem because of how he is. Ok...that was 1 thing but i really love this girl Alot . So i been trying to talk to her face to face about things and i know about my lie and i been trying to tell her. She also says to me that she doesn't like to open up because it makes her feel weak and she wants me to look at her as a strong girl?! what does dat mean!? i thought we all were human and we all have a weak side?!? ok, so then we were talking about all this stuff over texting and then she tells me that so i eventually told her over texing that it wasn't 7 girls it was only 2, and ever since then things have been CRAZY! she says "u obviously don't respect me, there's just no way,.i know what i got to offer and yes my heart is fragile but i still try and try, i put myself on the edge of hurt just to feel loved" She says that her wall is up again and she says i had my chance to see what love is. she says if you can't be truthful the first time i surely don't deserve her the second time around. She says she's tired of being hurt. I even said to her you know u love me, and she says "obviously if i'm not denying it smh" saying like she does but she's just not saying it. like she's not opening up to me and stuff :(. I KNOW I MADE A MISTAKE AND I SHOULD NT OF LIED AND I DO NOT KNOW WHY I DID IT. she used to be wit some clowns. Guys that showed pictures of her. 1 guy she was with over a 5 year period (off and on) would flirt with girls right in front of her, if she didn't wanna do anything ual, he would mess with another girl and try to go back to her again and then he broke up with her cuz she wouldn't put out. I know she's used to being used and played...but i honestly made a mistake and i been fighting for her love because she's my heart. She's acting like she doesn't care when deep down i think she does. Then i just find out over the weekend on Facebook that she goes out with this boy that lives like near her mom or whatever. She says to me that "No duh i make it seem like i don't care. My Wall is Up. your not hurting me again. I get mad and sometimes post statuses about how i feel. one of my friends tell me that she talks to sum 19 year old fire fighter and i didn't think it was that serious because it seem like we were trying to work things out. over the weekend my boy tells me to look at the home page of facebook and i see the guy she's in a relationship with now. now correct me if i'm wrong, didn't she say that her wall was up and nobody is being let back in? if that is the case then why is she already in another relationship?? all of this has got me to the point where my stomach was hurtin and my throat started being sore. For like 5 days straight!! it's really chewing at me for real!! people say to keep fighting...but den sum people say she's not right and how they feel sorry because of it. She thinks i'm just trying to get sorrow over facebook and to make her look like the bad one. She says "sorry doesn't cut it, u lied. and how most guys used her or play her or lied and i'm just another 1 to add to the list. But i'm not like them other guys...i'm really not!! she asks me if i heard the expression "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS" and she says to me "if u loved someone enough, forgiveness wouldn't even be a factor" i know it was serious but i feel like she OVER-REACTED AND TOOK MY LIE WAYY TO FAR. i know i hurt her and broke h

Bob Parker ... pushing through the barriers of injury. Did he look injured to you after the quake?

I don't have an opinion on it as I didn't see Mr Parker in action.But I admire all those who keep their heads and put thoughts of their own welfare aside in times of crisis.It was the same with QLD's premier Bligh when they suffered those devastating floods earlier this year.She handled it marvellously at the time.

Where do you guys buy your meats? legs of lamb, beef steak etc,'?

Mutton = Lamb.... now that thats strait, it sounds like you are just overcooking it. Beef and Lamb will both be tough if cooked beyond medium well.

Why is it that whenever...?

It's basically condensation. You know how when you pour a cold gl of water on a hot day, and it gets all foggy and wet on the outside of the gl? Well, that's it.

Declaration of Independence: Compromise or Hypocrisy?

oh this smells like a history question/homework. sniff! sniff! well, my wondering friend, the declaration of independence was a doent meant to declare america's freedom from england. period! ah, yeah. slaves were owned by the foundling fathers and also by those who had little or nothing to do with the declaration (writing it or signing it or whatever!)! i know it is a socially acceptable thing since the 1960s to harp on the 'black' question & slavery but who speaks for the mexican or native american people - their 'thing'? huh? do you know that they were slaves way before the africans were imported but it didn't work well, so.............! even among the signers & designers, some american/europeans weren't as equal as others. the whole doent was written by men who lived in an entirely different time with entirely different values (than us today). how would you have written it? what changes would you make? would YOUR doent stand the test of time, or be quoted, copied? huh? lay off these gents. they might not have had ALL of everyone here in the americas thought of or included but then who did and who does today? america has over 280 million people within and all things considered, i think we get along a lot finer than most think. know what my daddy said years ago? america! love it or get your out of it! see! simple solution for simple-minded people.

Survivor Series predictions?

yours are very good heres my picks,Undertaker,Team Michaels, Team Orton,Chris Jericho, Tiple H to win at Survivor Series

What's the difference between "Team Jessica" and "Jessica's Team" ?

When watching doentaries, or behind the scene of a movie, many staffers wears windbreakers with a caption that reads :"TEAM JESSICA" ! I would like to know from the grammatical Point of view, if there is a difference between "Team Jessica" and "Jessica's Team" ?

Do you like blackjack or craps better?

Craps is way more exciting. You can get vocal and have a much better time feeding off the energy of the table. It's faster and you can really make or lose a lot of money quickly making it exciting. It has the best odds in the house if you know what your doing and you don't have other players chiding you because you did or did not take a hit at the appropriate time. BJers, leave your attitude at the black jack table if you want to come play with the real players at craps table. Black Jack is for people who don't know how to shoot dice.

Music/iTunes help please/Black Eyed Peas?

I like the song by Black eyed peas Boom Boom Pow. I found a song on iTunes called Boom Boom Pow (instrumental). Does that mean it's just instruments and no singing? Plus, it says the artist is Instrumental King. So I was wondering if I should get it.


Of 60 flower offspring, 25 were red(approximately half) and the rest pink. What were the genotypes of the parents?

Which Jacqueline Wilson book should I get next?

Im not particularly a Jacqueline Wilson fan these days, however as a preteen I read quite a few of her books. I suggest you read either Dustbin Baby or Illustrated Mum, next as these two were my favourites (after midnight). Both are quite sad, but I have found have more of an indepth storyline to some of her other works.

Would you like to know a clever way to make Christmas-themed clothes from store-bought clothes?

Sweet grammie. It's never too late if you live through your grandchildren...My nephew also is born on Christmas day so we celebrate his birthday the week before, while they're still in school so he doesn't feel cheated out of presents or a special day just for him.

Does my teacher like me? Do I like him?


Car interest rate help?

ok well im 18 and just got approved for a credit card so i have no established credit i need a car and i really want an 08 civic si coupe (MSRP 21500) question is what would be my interest rate if i put 8000 down and get a co signer with below average so signers credit is bad but not what do you guys think my interest rate would be and estimated monthly payment.

I dont know what to do, can someone help me?

Ok, so i've been getting thoughts about breaking up with my boyfriend.... We've been together three months and well, things aren't going so well....He joined the army last week and im moving to Kentucky soon.....He's really sweet, but he said things that REALLY got to me. We had about three weeks ago and well he said that he loved me. Then a couple of hours later he texted me saying that he didn't feel love and that he was sorry. How does he not feel a thing? I just don't understand....I mean i love him and right now i have the feeling he will never feel a thing....i just don't want to hurt him...but i can't really handle this heartache...i don't know what to do....Help??

Help with writing a free verse poem?

I find that it's much easier for me to write metered poetry than free verse. I can tell right away if the metered poem isn't flowing smoothing based on the sound. I still want my free verse poem to have that musical sound to it, but don't know how to get it to sound good without the meter.How can I get my free verse poem to sound "right"? Also, what techniques are good when writing free verse (ex. lots of imagery, telling a story)?

Why does my nicotine patch make my arm red?

I remember when I used the patch - my arm ached like crazy and I had the most vivid dreams! It's weird that the second time around you're having a bad reaction - is it the same manufacturer as the first time? Maybe you'll need to try a patch made by a different company. Let me tell you something, though...I smoked heavily for 26 years. I LOVE to smoke cigarettes and didn't think it was possible that I could quit. Over the years, I had tried cold turkey, gum, patches, hypnosis, accupuncture, Zyban. I went to this stop smoking clinic. For $500 they injected this stuff behind my ears and told me I was now a non-smoker. I was - for 18 hours. It was ridiculous. Anyway, I tried and tried to stop and was never successful. It wasn't until I tried Chantix that I was able to do it. Chantix works - and I swear I have no interest in promoting it. You start taking it and smoke all you want. Then on the 9th day, after you smoke, you feel like vomiting. And that feeling stays with you. You just plain want to stop smoking because it makes you sick. Very effective method! I stopped last June - almost a year - and I've saved a boatload of money (I was spending almost $10/day on cigarettes) and my skin looks soooooo much better. Definitely think about it if things don't work out with the patch. Good luck!


the marine 2 will probably be better because we won't have to endure another 2 hours of watching john cena try and act

Computer genies

Whenever i uninstall a particular programme and then run the setup again the program finds its previous position . How could i delete everything about that program?My problem is that whenever i run the setup for mdownloader after uninstalling it in the add or remove programs it tells me that the trial time has expired (and it had expired a long time before). The progamme should have stored the data somewhere in my computer. how could i find it and delete it so that it can't put up the ugly message once again?

The sims 3 PLZ HLP! :3?

I'd try by changing the the resolution of the game, in the options menu. also try changing the graphics from low to high, in the options menu. if its not on low then it might be that your computer doesn't have a high enough flash drive (i think its flash drive, or graphic drive) well any way check the requirments on the back of the sims 3 box. if you don't have the requirments you can't change it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How long will the USA deny and support Israeli atrocities?

You left out the rocket attacks on Gaza. Oh, wait. That is the Palestinians doing it to Israeli civilians.

Skin Care Routine.....?

you'll need to know your skin type. How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged.

Catholics- Hell does not exist?

well...... as a psychic medium I can tell you that the dead DO feel and know things and can communicate. I can also tell you that the hell they teach about in the Bible dont exist... I believe we create our own Heaven and Hell here on EARTH according to how we live and love people, and our Karma.

Why are Texans and New Yorkers are such rude and unfriendly people?

Amen Prairie Girl! As a New Yorker I often hear how "rude and unfriendly" I am supposed to be. The truth is, the rudest and most unfriendly people in NYC tend to not be from NYC. I can also attest to the fact that when I was in Texas, to a person, everyone I came across was quite friendly. That may be because I was my normal pleasant friendly self. People are usually met with the attitude they project.

Need more info on Dell XPS 8100?

The individual brands of the components can vary from machine to machine. If you have the Service Tag of the machine itself, you can look it up at's support pages, and choose the "configuration" page. This will give you partial information. Dell typically does not disclose who supplies their components.

Tough Geometry question, very puzzling I and need help?

you can use Pythagoras's theorem only if the 2 sides of the triangle you have mentioned are right angle's(90 degrees) to each other,no matter in what plane.i definitely need the diagram before i can solve it.After all geometry is about picture's

Will Velupillai Prabhakaran's ination be the another victory of Congress?

very true....the whole war is happening for sonia...if u have been on track on this lankan issue u will know the reason behind rajiv's death...the rutheless raping and killing by the indian forces who went on behalf of rajiv's command for peace talks...led to the tigers to asinate u know rajiv's asination was on 21st may...and they killed V PRABAKARAN(hopefully he should be alive) before 21st....if they have killed him days b4 election...congress would have lost deposit...and DMK doomed to ashes

Why not just live life?

Some people are too blind to see their true purpose in life, so they rely on a God or knowledge to be able to give them reason. The truth is that sometimes God and science aren't the right paths to follow when trying to understand your true purpose.

Isn,t it sad to read of the death of Sheik Mohammed Sayed Tantawi who was a great moderate religious leader?

a href=""…/a

Why won't AF just.........?

move out and leave me alone for nine months. I am SO sick of her, I would beat her up but she is so fragile. Go away Aunt Flo!!!

How do you know when someone who's depressed is using it as a crutch?

I know someone who has been diagnosed in the past with being depressed. I respect and understand that. But this person also seems to be picking their spots when it affects them most. I feel bad saying that but there's no other way to explain some of the behavior. They act like they're too "down" sometimes to go out, to help out with a project, to go to the grocery store and this particular person rarely ever does any house work. Often times, I'll come home and they will have just been sitting around, basically doing nothing all day. However, when it comes to going shopping, on vacations, seeing certain friends and relatives, they pretty much always feel up to it. The way I understand depression is that it's a disease but it seems like other things will affect this person's behavior or they're using it as an excuse not to be responsible, do things they may not want to do, be taken care of as if they were a child, etc. I do not feel good about having these thoughts because I want to be sensitive to their needs and their disease but I also cannot help but have this frustrated and cynical feeling about the times they seem to have more issues. Thanks for any help.

Cold 25 model 1908 vest pocket?

i have a colt 25 model 1908 vest pocket i was wanting to know the price it works and has some ware from being used nothing major i think it is very old i sn is 377xxx thank you

Any african countries liberated within the past 10 years?

not even just african...any country that was liberated within 10 or even 20 cant be something unknown though

Is being an agnostic the same as being an atheist?

I always thought they were two separate things but I looked up the definition of "agnostic" on and it listed "atheist" as a synonym.

Oh, you're still here?

I actually went 2 weeks over with my son, so you can imagine how often I got the question. I wasn't as amused as you, though :)

Who would be President if Mickey Mouse won?

I have learned from my English teacher that Mickey Mouse get about 1% of the vote every year. What would happen if Mickey Mouse got written in by enough people to win and for some off the wall reason, the Electoral College voted for him too?

What do you think about the two Singaporean ladies being stripped searched by Malaysian authorities?

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Obama to Israel: you do not agree to freeze the construction everywhere? Well, then, at least lend me a dime.?

Israel should stand her ground. It�s her land, and this only-God- knows- where born clown will not order to Israelis, where in Israel they can build and where they can�t.

Face Off Between Variations Of Rose?

My favourite is Rosalie. It's such a beautiful name and happens to be my #1 favourite girls name. Rose is beautiful too. Rosie is my least favourite as it's a nickname, not a first/middle name. It won't age well. It's cute as a nickname though.

I need help finding the best quality skate shoes?

In general i want top of the line shoes...but i was wanting some reviews on Macbeth shoes since I havent skated in over a year and not sure if they are worth getting. If there is a better pair of shoes I should get voice your opinion. I dont have a specific price range so what ever shoe you find best let me know

My grand daughter is five months old I babysit 10 hours a day but she is also a live in granddaughter.?

my granddaughter wakes up @ 8:30 am she gets feed & pamper change. I put her in the walker but she winez the wineing get worst I put her the hight chair, play pen stroller with all the toy she can handle & more but the wineing get worst no matter what I do the wineing turns to a cry the only thing that stop her is picking her up but she is just to heavy for me to have her in my arms for a long time when her mom come from work it the same with her and this goes on til about 10:00pm that she gets put to bed. Plz help she really wants to be held all day long.

My co-worker feels I offended her?

Talk to your boss about the problem and exactly what happened and what she is doing as a result. If you are peers (you are not her boss), you actually did her a favor by showing her the correct way to perform a task. If she's taking it the wrong way and making your life miserable as a result, you need to let you boss know so he or she can let her know that her behavior isn't acceptable.

Will i be able to see from these seats at a taylor swift concert?

No matter where you sit, in whatever arena you're in, the place is designed so that every seat has some sort of view. If you are worried, I suggest you bring a pair of binoculars, like i should have. TS concerts rock! At mine, the whole stadium sang along with TS, and in a few songs, she stopped singing and let us sing. Hope you have fun!'s some food for thought?

You are not trying to be offensive, but you find it amusing? Hmmm. My thoughts are where is the doentation for your information? Where did you obtain it? From what scholarly source? My thoughts are that Christianity has been founded on these issues for more than 2,000 years, and now all of a sudden you propose information that may dismiss all of it? I am somewhat suspicious.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Im dead curious to know if a girl likes me?

It sounds like she does, indeed, like you. And I really respect the fact that she respects her parents wishes as well.

Salvia and Suggestibility (Salvia and or hypnotherapy experienced people only please)?

when i did salvia i thought i was in a cartoon and it was kinda fun/ scary. id say from my experience the trip is way gnarlier than mushrooms but it only lasted like 10 minutes maybe a little less. but it is definatly a gnarly trip and the spiders thing, i would say yes. i have been around people who have thought the world was ending and stuff.

What do u think of the new Egyptian media circus?

The murder of Laila Ghofran's daughter and her friend. While Suzanne Tamim's case is still there, the media surprises us with a brand new one that will be the talk of the next days,weeks, and who knows, maybe monthes. I must admit, after all this I feel really scared and unsafe.What is happening to this world? Has stabbing and slaughtering become the new killing trend?Why don't they use guns instead, it's easier and less brutal lol. inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. May Allah rest their souls and forgives their sins. Amen.

My bestfriend is extremely possesive :/?

Ok so I recently became friends with a boy who will be known as C. Me and him are exactly alike and we really click and recently he told me that he really liked me more than a friend and I liked him as well. but my other friend who will be known as V dated him a year ago and only for a month and like ever since I started hanging out with him and doing things with himshe has been soooo posessive and it's really weighing me down and she is my bestfriend and so is he because I just like him alot and he understands better and is ten times easier to talk to and just a downright amazing person to me. but he has a gf and he has told me that the only reason he hasnt tried to kiss me is because of her and V keeps saying that he is going to dump her for me and I keep telling her that he is not going to do that he just likes me and she keeps telling him stuff apparently to convince him to stay with his gf and stuff and she lied to me and told me a lie about him that i found out later and just she is really possessive and annoying to be honest. she keeps saying stuff like "you are replacing me with him!" and "you are cheating on me!!T.T" and finally I just told her to stop it with the "Cheating on me" thing that it was getting old and she like got all bitchy and mean and I asked why she was mad at me and she said that she just doesnt vent and she doesnt know. I have asked her 20 times if she still likes him and every single time she says no. that she has lost intrest and I have had a few people tell me that they think she has a "crush" on me. idk... what are your thoughts on this? she is currently pissed at me sooo. what can i do to fix this?

Lead nitrate and sodium acetate ionic equation problem?

I'm really stuck on this one ionic equation. I have lead(II)nitrate combining with sodium acetate, which gives me sodium nitrate and lead(II)acetate. Now I'm trying to figure out if there's a precipitate in here or water or gas, but I don't know if there is. Can someone please help me?

Why is it that the women that WANT and can SUPPORT a baby cant have one?

There is no real answer for that, unfortunately morals and social construct and pressures have allowed teens to have without seeing the real consequences. When you can't have something all you notice is the people that do have it, and you've been dealt a bad card. Have you been to the doctors about it? Maybe you or you're partner have fertility problems, or have you looked into adoption or maybe fostering?

My girlfriend's a Cancerian. I want to know more about her!?

The good thing is that cancerians and scorpios are very compatible so you two will probably have a good long relationship. Cancerians are very loyal and a very good friend. They are also intelligent. They go through mood swings a lot. If your girlfriend is going through one just comfort her and try to make her feel better. Cancerians (especially girls) love to be comforted. They are very romantic. They can be very shy though. Cancerians are one of the least likely signs to cheat on you. She might be too shy to turn into someone famous though.

Why GOP is going out of business nowadays?

The reps have a hard few years ahead of them. If they go back and try to purge non conservatives they could do more damage to themselves than the dems ever could. They need to change to attract younger voters and minority voters. Old conservatives are going to be gone soon and their conservative grand kids are few in numbers.

Question for the MALES!!!! guys hlp pls!!!?

yerh i get jealous when my gf hangs with other guys alot, it makes me feel like she doesnt wanna talk to me, i sumtimes get upset at get a lil paranoid when i think about it. its only because i love her and i wanna be the one she always comes to to talk

Please help! Something is wrong with my Cat?

My year and a half old cat Rosie has been acting very strange all day. Usually she's very quiet and loves many cuddles and attention. She always snuggles up to me and licks my cheek when I hold her. Today, she's been hissing at me and my parents and she's growling at us. She's slept most of the day and barely touched her dinner. Something isn't quiet right with her and I don't know what it could possibly be? Please help me out here, I want Rosie back.

Please Help Me On This...?

normally you make your own top and skirt or put patches of the fabric that you use to make your top on shorts or a cute skirt and give your date some of your fabric that is left over (you should give them about 2 feet of fabric) so they can put it on their outfit and you go with your date to the dance just like any other dance

Is it true that ariel lin and mike he became a couple during the filming of "Love Contract"?

I heard that they broke up too, i dont know why..probably another celebrity couple who didnt make it because they couldnt keep they zippers closed...

Who DOES NOT LIKE jamie lynn spears?

I think Jamie Lynn is pretty enough, and it helps that she looks like her sister. But her show is pretty lame, and she's not really talented. If Brit wasn't her sis she would still be back in her trailer park.

Which of the following statements about human somatic cells is not true? ?

Somatic cells are all the cells apart from your egg cells (i.e. female oocyte and male sperm). Thus, they are NOT haploid, so d is the answer.

What is the single best thing that anyone could do for you right this second?

could be something as simple as a stranger smiling and saying hi, or maybe as big as someone walking into your office saying that you won the lotto....

The Odyssey homework help?

For a hand gesture, maybe some hand-to-ear action, like you're listening for something, or maybe like you're blocking your ears. Or both! For a prop, perhaps try to make a Siren. With a Barbie doll or something. And for another hand gesture... I don't know, you got a hard part of the book! If I think of anything else, I'll add it :)

I had a couple of cheap Bakewell tarts in the back of my van today. How much do you pay?

lol dint know you had gone to see our Dawn ... hehe .. looks around and legs it .. shouts back ... ohh .. by the way .. our dawn is pricless ..

Is it true that there are no cemeteries within the city limits of San Francisco?

I heard this once on a Paul Harvey "Rest Of The Story" broadcast. Having been there on a few occasions, I realize that it would make sense. I just didn't pay attention to such things back then.

US/VA history crossword puzzle.Can you help?

This is the puzzle hint :once one wins public office they reward loyal supports by placing them in various jobs in his cabinet.

Why arnt i getting the right amount of salvage in red faction guerrilla?

i had the game on ps3 and traded it in about 5-6 month later i bought it on xbox and i have liberated parker with 100 moral and have just done the 2nd mission on dust but i did not gett the extra 100 from parker i only got the salvage from dust sector, when i was on ps3 i had 100 moral on 3 sectors and when i was on eos i got 300 salvage from the sectors but i arnt getting it from parker

Are there any dogs that can be left for 7 hours max, 3 days a week?

We've looked at having a Cavalier KC spaniel which we would love to have, although I'm concerned they would not want to be left alone for too long. My wife would leave home at 8:30 returning at 15:30 I would be able to work from home one day a week and so could my wife,the entire family would be home all weekend. Can anyone help? our main concern is naturally the dog's welfare. Thank you.

What Color Bailey on Boot Ugg's Should I Get?

Chestnut shows about a gazillion stains on the UGGs. Chocolate shows barely any, so I'd defiantly go with the chocolate. (: xo C

Is Fox News Bias and in favour of the American administration (republicans) and their support for the Iraq War

When the world was told Iran's nuclear programme was halted in 2003 fox news unlike all other news media continued to bash Iran over allegations its still a threat and so forth. When it came to the Iraq war they stirred up issues so as to suite the governments agenda and now this is being repeated with IRan.

I have a 94 astro van, the back door won't open. can anyone tell me how to fix this?

the back door on my van had been hard to open for a while, and then it just wouldn't open at all. it appears that the latch is broken but i can't figure out jow to get into it to try and fix it. can someone please help me with this. thank you

I am moving to Toronto/etobicok area what should i do?

i am moving to a new area but i am most worried about my school i went to loran park a mostly rich white popel school ( no offence) and i am not moving in to a kida of getoo place im just worryed about making friends my friends ae uslay the gagasta type (i am black by they way) i think im going to a school near C.W Jeffry near jance and finch but i dono yet how are ppl in the school are they nice how shuld i act and how do i make friends cuz i dont no any one there

Hitler burned the Reichstag & blamed it on his enemies (Jews) so why couldnt it happen again against Muslims?

stfu u liberal piece of junk, you desecrate everyone who died on that day with your thoughtless stupidity

State thats hiring most police? Fastest growing economy?

I'm from Michigan, the state police is laying off 100 troopers at the end of this month. I'm about to ETS from the army and want to become a police officer, but the way its looking it will be to hard to find in MI. I know NYPD and LAPD hire a lot, so besides them, what states are currently hiring a lot of police? What state has a fast growing economy?

Opting Distance Education with but on the move , how do i finish my program ?

I live in Bahrain but I might move out towards west or may be eastern countries for work , not sure when though, I am going to join a Distance education program with either Sikkim Manipal university or Mahatma Gandhi open university, I am enrolling this year, if in case I move out of Bahrian during my 2nd yr of the program, will i be still able to continue my 3rd yr in a different country which has the study center for the SMU and MGOU , I can give exams there and complete my program ? Please advice.

Christian exchange in lebanon?

Sounds like an overly simplistic argument to me ...a lot easier for people to be more accepting of each other & for those driving this radicalization throughout the arab world to take a cold shower & back off !

''Fringe'' is stupidd!!! i dont know why its like that?

In the series fringe, Charlie, Olivias partner dies. And it shows him dying.. and then a few episodes after he dies he reappears as if nothing ever happened to him not even happened. Did the producers forget that they killed him off the show or is it just stupid?

Why when Obama says to stop playing politics he means just shut up and vote for his politics?

Bipartisan to President Obama means you have to agree with him and the Democrats, debate is Partisanship in their mind.

How do the nitrogen bases of RNA and DNA differ?

DNA uses thymine and RNA used uracil. they both share the other three: adenine, guanine and cytosine.

Is the world really coming to an end?

is the world really coming to an end. I heard of stories in the bible that says u will know when there are earth quake after earth quaker, mother against daughter, father against son. Volcanoes are erupting. I keep asking and I know no one really want to think about death. it just spooks me out that we are going through alot of changes so fast in the world. It seems like we are not trying to save our planet. I live in Mississippi.. we have yet to experience an bad earth quake yet. so when the December 21, 2012 comes what will really happen.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Help 2 girls at my school had a fall out lets call them sophie and issy?

Never ever get involved in an arguement they are best buds again cos they can ***** over you, you should have kept your mouth closed and only spoke up when you were asked. You seem to be a good friend and you were only speaking up but next time defend your friend there and then dont be a story carrier cause then no one will tell you anything again....For now just chill cause it will all blow over in a day or two

Am i turning into a sl ut???

I feel so slutty...I'm wearing thongs and wearing low pants and bringing the thons up, i wear reaally low shirts and maxim bras, i wear short skirts and like bend over when i'm near a guy ( in public..), i flirt more with guys and im like allways talkign about se x. When i say i feel like a sl ut i dont mean as in promiscuous i mean that i look like a sl ut....does it sound that way to you, and is it going to be worse later ( i'm 15 btw)?? HELP

Is Lebanon at war with Israel or Syria?

I am doing something with Lebanon and I have done all the Research and stuff but it stays that lebanon is still kinda at war with someone. I think its Syria but i am not sure.

Why does the crucifix mean so much to people?

The crucifix is actually short-hand for a pagan representation of the zodiac cross. People mis-represent this figure to express Jesus' suffering on the cross. IT IS NOT A CHRISTIAN SYMBOL AND IT IS IDOLATRY

What is the meaning of this?

You have something urgent on your mind today and nothing will prevent you from attempting to get what you want. Although you may crave superficial sensual satisfaction, there's more going on than what is apparent. On a much deeper level you want to know the hidden metaphysical truth that stands between you and happiness. Anything short of total enlightenment might be met with your disappointment. However, it's not about achieving cosmic consciousness now; it's about accepting the fact that you're human

What is the cell type at the start of mitosis?

It's the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This is how it is before it begins to replicate, before interphase, prophase etc. if it replicates at all! it may stay as a G1 till the end of its days!!!

PLEASE, be cruel, be kind, just give me honesty! what do you REALLY think?

And here I thought sonnet-slaughter was my own lonesome path to take... I am going to write a perfectly flawed sonnet for you one day soon, my comrade-in-arms. And I refuse to discover what a SPONDEE is!

Can someone help me clean up after a dirty dirty contact.....?

You aren't getting rid of me THAT easily. Just learn to share. You can have Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other weekend...

Who thinks thats Zoe and Jess should of NOT been in the skate off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I really like colleen but she is not as good as zoe or jess i was soo sad to see zoe go she was FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

I need help please...?

Me n my best guyfriend have been "talking" for first i would get giddy and school girly just from a thought lol. well i figured i was just infatuated. he moved but only temporarily n we never stopped "talking" but while he was gone some things happened (on his part) that kinda jerked my head outta the clouds. But we still really like each other n r more than likely about to date soon. the giggly me went away when he messed up but i still like him im not "infatuated" with him anymore. but i realized even tho he screwed up i still like him and got over it n now i just get erfly's when hes around and its just the two of us. i see the relationship with my heart AND head now no more head in the clouds.question is the fact that he did mess up n i was hurt but moved ped it, want to spent as much time as i can with him as we can, and just feel so happy and right with him.. could i be falling IN love with him? i know i love him but never been IN love b4 so idk.

My marriage is ending and need advice?

it feels we have nothing in common anymore at all, the fun has gone, i dont even want to have with him, i do love him no reason at all to hate him or dislike him but just no spark, he is great with our 2 year old son they could no live without each other he is the best father ever, we still go out for the day and we have fun around our son but once he has gone to bed there is just no fun, we have talked about this and tried different things instead of just watching tv but ends up just the same, we have about once a month which i know is really bad but i only do it then because i feel i should do, i know it is bad and its got to breaking point, we talked about and different things and i feel i cant relax because of the house were in, we were happy till our loud neighbours moved next door and that got on top of me worrying about them waking our son i still do and i went unhappy from there, we decided we would move after christmas but now i am not sure what i want at all, i feel so guilty and i wnat him to be happy, i would work at it i wouldnt just walk away i couldnt, he is the best husband anyone could have and father but ually i feel nothing at all, not sure if it would just be with him as i wouldnt know so not sure if there is a problem with me or not? has anyone else felt this way or do you know where we could get marriage help, i need to do this for our family and i now understand its is not normal

Need help on "Superhero Sadies" fundraiser!!!?

we're having a superheroes themed sadies dance at our high school this year and i have to make a fundraiser for it. i was thinking about asking people out for other people in cute ways (roses, posters, maybe even dress up). i'm not sure what would work for prices, what i could do or if it's even a good idea. could yu guys please suggest anything?

Is this a reasonable Christmas List?? for a 14 year old?

it is a great list for a young person. it could be something you wouldn't want to even post let the young stay young. a cell is a great safty device for a young teen. let the teen be who they are not what anyone else thinks . Allow them to live "their" lives.